
Mentorship is a service I offer to train a person in either Psychic Development and/or Magickal Arts. We start by discussing what you want to achieve and how I can help get you there.

Each Mentorship session is a 1-hour video or audio call, and we'll dive straight into it, so you get your money's worth!

You'll have 7 days after each session, where you can email me as many times as you need, to ask questions and discuss any topics of interest or concern.

What specifically will you teach me?

It all depends on your needs!

I can teach you to develope any type of psychic gift and many forms of magick, from the basics to advanced practices. This enables you to safely and proficiently use real spiritual gifts in your life!

We can hone and develop your psychic senses.

We can work at cultivating magickal gifts and abilities.

Or, I can teach you everything I know, which ranges anywhere from high magick (ceremonial magick), low magick (folk magick), active magick (real-time on-the-go stuff), psychic development, white-black magick, astral projection, meditation, weather magick, luck magick, money magick and many other forms!

How long does it take to complete?

The mentorship isn't designed to have a set time limit. It depends on your level of knowledge and experience. The service is here to assist you for as long as you wish to engage with the service.

So, if you want me to teach you all I've learned in the last 24 years of practice, it might take more than just a few sessions. However, if you want to learn a specific type of divination or psychic or magickal skill, that can the main focus of the session.

What is magick?

The term "magick" is a broad term but put simply, magick is the study of energy in all its forms and functions and then utilising this knowledge to affect change.

Is it safe?

Magick can be practised safely, if done correctly.
Energy is governed by universal laws. When you study magick you must study these laws, like all tools they must be used with care and applied knowledge othwerise you could hurt yourself, or others.
Various sources over the years have presented these laws in many ways, sometimes omitting certain fundamental laws which is when people end up using energy to no effect or with undesirable results.

This can be avoided by either studying for years with practical application of your knowledge, or taking on a mentor who can guide you, speeding up your spiritual progression and reducing/nullifying the risks associated with magick.  

What are your qualifications?

I am a High Priest and Gubibulu (tribal equivalent of a high priest).

I come from a long line of magical practitioners and psychics, both European and Indigenous Australian, and have been practicing magick consistently for the last 24 years.

My father is clairvoyant.

My grandmother is a psychic witch.

My great-grandmother was psychic.

My great-great-grandmother was psychic.

My great-great-grandfather was a tribal leader and Gubibulu (clever man, tribal & spiritual leader who practices magick).

Many other aunts, uncles, and family elders were psychics, magickal practitioners, or both.


Over the years, I have been piecing together our tribal spiritual knowledge from my tribal elders, family members, and spiritual beings from our tribes and familial lineages.


With a blend of Western magicks and Indigenous Australian magick, I’ve cultivated a unique set of spiritual practices that have maximised and enhanced my overall personal experience.

Is magick evil?

In short, no it's not evil.

Magick is for lack of a better term, "universal mechanics".

It's up to the practitioner to use their magick for either positive or negative outcomes. 

Can I use magick for personal gain?

Absolutely! The only thing to keep in mind is there are universal laws at play that require application when manifesting spiritual desires. 

Magick when applied correctly with the right knowledge can be breath-taking and awe-inspiring. The notion of not using magick for personal gain was made popular through Hollywood, but this is a false notion. If you know how to work it, it will work for you.

Through the mentorship, I will show you how to cast magick safely and effectively, leaving you with the skills to work with energy and create real magick no matter where you are in the world, or what supplies you have.